Mlog Documentation

By Yruei


This documentation was written mostly by me, so there may be inaccuracies or omissions. As English is not my first language, I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors. If you have any corrections, additions, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me to discuss them. you can DM me on
Discord (Yruei)
Reddit (u/Far_Kale558 asdfasdf)
or make an issue Here

this is the new website, images are rendered at 100% resolution, meaning no matter how small you screen is if you zoom in enough it will show its original resolution. if you have any question about mlog, whether it is technical help or general question feel free to ask them in, people there will be happy to help you, (just dont ask to ask, just ask)


What is Mindustry logic?

Mindustry Logic (mlog) is a scripting language added in v6 for the purpose of introducing more advanced automation and strategy into the game It is heavily inspired by Assembly languages, therefore the language is a low level language making it harder to understand (low level being low to machine language (Assembly, C, etc) and far from human language, high level language example are (python, javaScript, C#, etc) if you have previous programming experience it's very easy to learn but people who are entirely new to programming might find this a little confusing.

Fun fact, it is turing complete (meaning you can literally do anything a real computer can, although the practicality is questionable), it is often used for more advanced automation (telling units what to do, disabling/enabling blocks, and more), For more advanced people, they like to mess around just for fun making stuff that are not actually useful to campaign like games, emulators, renderings, etc.

mlog is not necessary for the completion of campaign , it is very optional, often the time you spent coding will be more than if you just do it manually..


Data types


Integers are whole numbers, meaning no decimal, 1,2,3, are integers, 1.001, are not.

integer limitations

The largest integer that can be represented accurately in a single number in mindustry (double-precision floating-point format) is 2^53, which equals 9007199254740992. from -2^53 , which is −9007199254740992. Beyond these limits, floating-point representation may lead to inaccuracies due to the way numbers are rounded.


Opposite of integers, decimal numbers, 1.001, are float.


A data type that can have 1 of 2 states, true or false, 0 or 1.


a sequence of characters, different from variables, in mlog strings are enclosed by “ (quotation mark) (“Hello, world” is a string).

Block or Unit Reference

every block and unit has a unique reference, so every block and unit can be differentiated from each other , internally they look like "message#98257" or “poly#49178“, these are not viewable without modifying the game. in game these references are stored in a variable like Building Variable, or @unit, they can also be written to a normal variable

Content name

in-game content/item names, like @copper, @surge-alloy, @antumbra kebab case naming, and case sensitive
these are not variables, these are values that can be stored in variables

content name can be found in the appendix

Basic concept


There are 3 types of Logic Processors, Micro processor, Logic processor, and Hyper processor, each have different speeds and range (Information can be found in the game’s info menu).

Processor’s UI

when opening a processor by clicking the pencil icon:


you will be prompted to this screen:


the “Add” button (alt) opens a menu to add an instruction:


the “Vars” button (alt) opens a menu showing all of your variables

this menu is very useful for debugging


the “edit” button (alt)opens a menu to export/import codes


when clicking “Copy to Clipboard” it will copy the code of the processor to your clipboard, unlike a schematic, mlog code are plain readable text, click here for more info
this mlog code can be pasted into a processor again using the "import from clipboard"

How Processor run its code

They Always run Instruction from top to bottom 1 at a time You can only jump and wait, you cannot make it run from bottom to top for example. Here is a visualization:


with jumps:


When the processor reach the end of its instruction it will go back to 0, repeating the loop indefinitely


Variables are the fundamental of programming, to put it simply, they are just named “containers” to store data to, for example the Set instruction sets a variable:


This will make `x` a variable, this variable can be used for all sort of different things, for example, the Operation instruction


Because `x` is 10 this operation means 10 + 5, and the result of it is written to the `result` variable, meaning `result` is now 15 Of course it doesn’t have to be `result`, you can write anything for it, different people write their variable differently, some chooses to write arbitrary words/letters like “peach” and others simply write “x+5”, whatever you choose is up to you, just keep in mind you have to remember them.

an undefined variable will have null as their default value and this gets coerced to 0.

a processor doesn't have a limit on how many variables it can have, however a processor has a 1000 instruction limit

Incrementing Variable

Increment is the act or process of increasing


Since processor loops, this will increase `x` by 1 every loop, as time goes on x will get bigger and bigger. This is what’s called incrementing a variable

Built in Variables

Built in variables are variables that have their value determined by the game, but can also change. they are preceded by “@”, here are lists of built in variables (if you’re just starting out you don’t have to read all of this you can always come back):

  1. @counter
  2. @counter shows the current line number the processor runs at,
    other than giving you crucial information while debugging you can also use it by writing to it, changing its value, usage example:


    This acts like jump always where it will jump to instruction 10 If read it will return the next line instead:


    Since this set instruction is at line 10, the `x` variable will be 11. Another usage example is: @counter Array.

  3. @this
  4. @this shows the building reference for that processor, example: anything that uses building reference can be replaced by this, so instead of ‘processor1’ you can write “@this” for this processor

  5. @unit
  6. @unit shows the current unit that is stored in the processor as the result of the unit bind instruction. For more information go Controlling Units

  7. @thisx and @thisy
  8. Like the name suggest, both shows the coordinates location of the processor respectively

  9. @mapw and @maph
  10. These shows the map width and map height, for example if your map width is 300 @mapw will be equal 300

  11. @links
  12. @links shows the number of links the processor has, example: if you have 3 buildings linked to the processor `display1` , `display2` , `display3` , @links will be 3

  13. @ipt
  14. ipt stands for instruction per tick, this shows how many instruction a processor run in a single tick 1 second is 60 ticks

  15. @time, @tick, @second and @minute
  16. Shows the playtime of the current save, this is updated every frame, NOT every time the processor checks for it @time, in millisecond @tick, in tick(1/60th of a second) @second, in second @minutes, in minute

  17. Because this list is long you can check the Appendix


Constant, they are like variable but you can’t write to them, their value are predetermined, for example “@pi”, like the name suggest it is pi ( , 3.14159….), here are the list of constant (if you’re just starting out you don’t have to read all of this, you can always come back):

  1. Null
  2. null means none, it has no value

  3. true and false
  4. true and false are booleans, they are interpreted to 1 and 0

  5. @pi
  6. π, 3.14159….

  7. @e
  8. Mathematical constant e (2,71828…)

  9. @degToRad
  10. To convert degrees to radian, multiply the number with this

  11. @radToDeg
  12. Opposite of @degToRad


Internally there is a Text buffer and a Draw buffer in each processor, when you use print or draw, when the processor runs it, it will store it in the buffer. Example: if you print “frog” the word “frog” will be stored in the text buffer, then to get that word to a message block you have to use Print Flush which transfer the items in the text buffer to the message block


It's the same case with draw.

The draw buffer has a limit of 256 items, meaning you can only queue up 256 draw operations before needing to flush; otherwise, any additional draws beyond 256 will be discarded. Additionally, displays have a buffer limit of 1024 operations per display update. Since the display updates once per tick when visible, flushing more than 1024 items in a single tick will result in excess items being lost. However, when a display is off-screen (scrolled out of view), it is not updated at all. This means if a program continues drawing while the display is off-screen, the buffer can fill up, causing some operations to be lost even if the rate remained within the 1024-per-tick limit while the display was visible

The text buffer has a 400 character limit, for example “frog” is 4 characters. Even though the message block has a 220 characters limit you can still print 400 characters to it.


  1. Message
  2. Is used with Print and Print Flush, can also be manually written by clicking it and clicking the pencil icon.
    has 220 characters limit (including spaces)
    will only show its text when hovered

  3. Switch
  4. Has 2 states, enabled and disabled / 1 and 0, state can be read using Sensor instruction, and can also be controlled with Control instruction.

  5. Logic displays and Large
  6. Is used with Draw and Draw Flush,
    Normal display has a 88 * 88 resolution
    Large display has a 176 * 176 resolution
    the border (Bezel) is 8 pixels

  7. Memory cell and Memory Bank
  8. A cell can store up to 64 values, but only numbers, while Bank can store up to 512 values
    How it works:

    Let’s use a cell as an example, imagine it is like a numbered storage boxes


    the number below are called addresses, since a cell can store up to 64 values that means there are 64 addresses in a cell, from #0 to #63 you can then store a number in this line of boxes by an address, for example if you want to store a number to box number #3 you would write:


    this will store the number 1838 to box number #3, you then can read it again using read


    this will read whatever inside box number #3 (1838) and put it in a variable called `result`, therefore `result` is now 1838

    the largest integer that can be stored in a single address is related to integer limitations


  1. Read
  2. Read a value from a cell
    `result` is your variable name
    `cell1` is where to get the value from, a building reference, “bank{number}” for Banks
    `0` is the cell’s address. like said above, cells can store up to 64 values, this means there are only 64 addresses, starting at 0, meaning 0 - 63
    Example: there is a value at 0 in `cell1` that is `10`, then `result` variable will be 10

  3. Write
  4. Write a value to a cell
    Essentially the same with read but it writes instead
    Example: the `result` variable is 10, then it will write `10` to `cell1` at 0
    Can also be directly written using a number instead of a variable.

  5. Draw
  6. Adds a command to the draw buffer

    1. Clear
    2. Sets the entire screen to a specific color
      RGB stands for Red,Green,Blue
      Value can be from 0 (dimmest) to 255 (brightest)
      Example: 255, 255, 255 is White

    3. Color
    4. Sets the color of the next upcoming draw isntruction
      RGBA stands for Red,Green,Blue,Alpha
      To put it simply Alpha is Opacity, it is how opaque the next draw instruction will be
      0 is 0% and 255 is 100% opaque
      Value can be from 0 (dimmest) to 255 (brightest)

    5. col
    6. Same as color, but use hex color code instead of RGB color code Usually used with the Pack Color instruction

    7. Stroke
    8. Sets the line width for any upcoming draw operations

    9. Line
    10. Draws a line from one coordinates to another coordinates
      x,y is the first set of coordinates
      x2,y2 is the second sets of coordinates

    11. Rect
    12. Draw a rectangle at the specified coordinates with the bottom left of the rectangle as its origin
      x,y is the rectangle coordinates
      Width and height are the rectangle width and height

    13. Line Rect
    14. Same as rect, but only draws the outline of the rectangle

    15. Poly
    16. Draw a polygon with its center as its origin
      x,y is the polygon coordinates
      sides is the number of sides the polygon will have
      radius is the radius of the polygon
      rotation will rotate the polygon, in degrees

    17. Line Poly
    18. Same as poly, but only draws the outline of the polygon

    19. Triangle
    20. Draws a triangle with 3 different sets coordinates as its vertices
      x,y is the first sets of coordinates
      x2,y2 is the second sets of coordinates
      x3,y3 is the second sets of coordinates

    21. Image
    22. Draws an image of something from the game with content name, such as @dagger or @copper with its center as its origin,
      if it draws a picture of (oh no) that means whatever you're trying to draw either doesn't exist or not supported, the only work around is drawing it manually, though the Bleeding Edge version supports more content
      x,y is the of coordinates
      image is what image it will draw, you put object name here, like @dagger
      size is the size of the image
      rotation will rotate the image, in degrees
      cannot draw modded items!

  7. Draw Flush
  8. Flush the queued draw instruction(s) from the draw buffer to the specified displays with its building reference

  9. Print
  10. Prints the specified value to the text buffer, can print both text and variables
    however you cannot print text and variable in 1 instruction, you have to use multiple instruction

    1. \n
    2. Writing \n will write the next text to a new line, example:

    3. Printing colors “ [ ] "
    4. You can change printed colors with [ ], example
      You can either put color names or hexadecimal color code
      Example of HEX color code is [#FF0000] for red, you can simply search “hex color picker” on google to choose your own color

    5. Emoji/icons
    6. Not really Mlog related but worth mentioning,
      Mindustry utilizes a specific range within the private use area of Unicode, these can be found on the source code :
      which are:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
      these might just look like boxes to you, but they are actually valid characters when pasted into the game
      other than this, Mindustry also supports some public unicode characters, though what of and in what range is unknown , attempting to paste unsuported characters will just show nothing.
      Here what they look like in game:

  11. Control
  12. Controls a building of a building reference or a unit reference

    1. Enabled
    2. Enabled or disable a building, can be 0 or 1 or true and false

      of a block reference
      to (state), 1 / true enable, 0 / false disable,
      when disabling a processor it pauses code execution until re-enabled again, resuming at the line number where it was disabled
      here is a list of blocks behaviour when disabled

    3. Shoot
    4. Shoot at a coordinate position,

      x and y is coordinate location where to aim/shoot at
      shoot 0 or 1, true or false, if true tells the turret/unit to shoot, if false stop shooting

    5. Shootp
    6. Shoot at a unit/building but with velocity prediction

      unit, what object to aim/shoot at, it says "unit" but you can put a building reference there too.
      shoot 0 or 1, true or false, if true tells the turret/unit to shoot, if false stop shooting

    7. Config
    8. Change the configuration of buildings,
      for example :
      sorter config, by putting item name to the to arguments, eg @copper, @lead, @surge-alloy
      unit factory config, by putting unit name to the to arguments, eg @flare, @dagger, and of course it only supports units it meant to create, if you put other unit name that it cant create it will just deselect all unit

    9. Color
    10. Change the color of Illuminator block Usually used with pack color

  13. Radar
  14. Radar a unit in range of the building’s range
    ‘from’ is building reference
    ‘target’ is a filter, target enemy means it will only radar enemy units
    ‘order’ is sorting order, ascending or descending, can only be 0 or 1
    ‘sort’ is a metric to sort results by sort distance means it will get unit by distance
    Since order is 1, the unit gotten is the closest to that building
    Cannot get multiple units at the same time
    Order cannot be change to look for metrics in the middle e.g 0.5
    Will output the unit reference to `result`

  15. Sensor
  16. Sensor / get / read data from an object, usually buildings or units with their reference
    `results` is your named variable
    @copper” is what data to get from the specified object, can be a unit or a building. (click the pencil icon beside it for a list of sensorable data alternatively see Sensors for a list with explanation on each one)
    “block1” building reference, it is what object to get the data from, can also be a unit reference
    This will get the amount of copper in ‘vault1’, the number will be stored in the variable `result`, let’s say the vault has 10 coppers, therefore ‘result’ will be 10

  17. Set
  18. Set a variable, either with numbers or with another variable (including unit or block reference)

  19. Operation
  20. Perform a single operation on 2 variables, or just numbers directly, example:
    Let’s say `a` is 10, therefore this operation means 10 + 5
    “result” will then be 15

    1. +
    2. Addition

    3. -
    4. Subtraction

    5. *
    6. Multiplication

    7. /
    8. Division

    9. //
    10. Integer division, like division but it will round down the results

    11. %
    12. Modulo operation, like division but it returns the remainder

    13. ^
    14. Power / exponentiation

    15. Sqrt
    16. Square root

    17. ==
    18. Check if the 2 variables are equal to each other
      Returns 1 or 0 / true or false

    19. Not
    20. Logical not, check if the 2 variables are not equal to each other
      Returns 1 or 0 / true or false

    21. And
    22. Logical AND gate
      Inputs and output are boolean

    23. <
    24. Less than, check if the first variable is less than the second variable
      Returns 1 or 0 / true or false

    25. >
    26. Less than equal, check if the first variable is less than equal the second variable
      Returns 1 or 0 / true or false

    27. <=
    28. Greater than, check if the first variable is greater than the second variable
      Returns 1 or 0 / true or false

    29. >=
    30. Greater than equal, check if the first variable is greater than equal the second variable
      Returns 1 or 0 / true or false

    31. log
    32. Logarithm, return the exponent given the base and the result

    33. log 10
    34. Logarithm in base 10

    35. abs
    36. Absolute number

    37. floor
    38. Floor , Round down the specified number

    39. ceil
    40. Ceiling , Round up the specified number

    41. or
    42. Bitwise or

    43. b-and
    44. Bitwise and

    45. XOR
    46. Bitwise XOR

    47. flip
    48. Bitwise flip

    49. max
    50. return the largest number out of the 2 number

    51. min
    52. return the smallest number out of the 2 number

    53. angle
    54. Angle of vector in degrees,usually used like: Angle = ((x1-x2) (y1-y2))
      internally the code does:
      ang1 = atan2(a,b) * 180/π (convert into degrees)
      result = { if ang1 < 0 = (ang1 + 360), otherwise = (ang1) }
      where a is the first variable and b is the second

    55. angle diff
    56. Absolute distance between to angles in degrees, usually used like: angdiff = (ang1)(ang2)
      innternally the code does:
      a = a % 360
      b = b % 360
      d1 = (a - b + 360) % 360
      d2 = (b - a + 360) % 360
      result = min(d1, d2)
      where a is the first variable and b is the second

    57. len
    58. Length of vector, usually used like: len = ((x1-x2) (y1-y2)).
      internally the code does:
      result = √ (a * a + b * b)
      where a is the first variable and b is the second

    59. noise
    60. 2d simplex noise
      takes 2 value as coordinates and outputs a value from -1 to 1
      unlike rand, noise is detemernistic, which means a pair of coordinates will always outputs the same result
      for more information to how it internally works check the "raw2d" function/method

    61. rand
    62. generate a random float in range of 0 to the specified value

    63. sin
    64. Sin, in degrees

    65. cos
    66. Cos, in degrees

    67. tan
    68. Tan, in degrees

    69. asin
    70. Asin, in degrees

    71. acos
    72. Acos, in degrees

    73. atan
    74. Atan, in degrees

  21. Lookup
  22. Look up an item/liquid/unit/block type by ID.
    Total counts of each type can be accessed with:
    @unitcount / @itemCount / @liquidCount / @blockCount, which is :
    56 / 22 / 11 / 254 (as of v146), respectively, they are a constant.
    For the inverse operation, sensor @id of the object
    This operation is looking up item with an id of 1, which is lead, therefore `result` will then be @lead (NOT a string), a content name, which can be used for things like sensor :
    `lead_count` is now a variable containing number of lead in `vault1`
    Lookup are usually used with an incrementing variable
    Lists of IDs can be found in the Appendix

  23. Pack Color
  24. Packs RGBA color into a single number, is usually used with draw col and control color
    Since it's a single number it can be stored to 1 address on cells/banks, instead of 4 addresses with the usual RGBA, making reading and writing a lot easier too. alt
    RGBA is their respective color, can also be directly written with a number, value is from 0 (dimmest) to 1 (brightest) You can unpack a Packed color by dividing it by %00000001, this will return 32-bit unsigned integer, 8 bits for each value, example : a 255,255,255,255 color when unpacked will return 4294967295, which is the maximum value of 32-bit unsigned integer, converting it to binary will return 11111111111111111111111111111111 ( 8 bit for each value ), by using the bit shift right operation and bitwise and operation you can extract each color value.

  25. Wait
  26. Wait the specified number of seconds, in other words, pausing the processor for that amount of seconds

  27. Stop
  28. Completely stops the processor from running, cannot be resumed in any way other than rebuilding or refreshing the code, to pause a processor disable it instead using control enable

  29. End
  30. End the process, when a processor run this line it will go back to 0 as if it reach the end of the instruction, similar to jump always 0

  31. Jump
  32. Jump to a line number on the processor with a condition
    if condition are true jump to the specified line, if false does not jump (continuing to instruction below it

    1. ==
    2. Check if the 2 variables are equal to each other

    3. Not
    4. Logical not, check if the 2 variables are not equal to each other

    5. <
    6. Less than, check if the first variable is less than the second variable

    7. <=
    8. Less than equal, check if the first variable is less than equal the second variable

    9. >
    10. Greater than, check if the first variable is greater than the second variable

    11. >=
    12. Greater than equal, check if the first variable is greater than equal the second variable

    13. ===
    14. Strict equal, usually used to check for null, example:
      0 == null is true, while 0 === null is false

    15. Always
    16. Always jump regardless

Controlling Units

  1. @unit
  2. Can only store 1 unit at any given time, stores the unit reference, like building reference, unit reference are different from each other, even the same type

  3. Binding
  4. unlike the name say, unit bind instruction itself does not bind, unit control, unit radar, unit locate are what binds unit.
    unit bind just gets a unit's reference and puts it in a variable called @unit
    alt alt
    If you hover your mouse on either the unit or the processor you will see a yellow box showing what unit the processor is binding or what processor the unit is binded to, this is called Binded, meaning the unit is now in full control of the processor, you cannot give it commands anymore using the RTS Commands, the only way to get the unit back is either control(posses) the unit or unbind it which can be done with either destroying the processor, or altering the processor code, units will also be automatically un-binded after 10 seconds with no unit control, unit radar, and unit locate instruction received, this applies regardless even if the unit is still in the middle of doing something
    A unit that is currently controlled(possesed) by the player can also be "bound" but only to retrieve data from it; controlling is not possible.

  5. Boosting
  6. Some ground units can boost, boosting allows them to fly over anything air units can, albeit slower, these units are: Nova, Pulsar, Quasar, and Vela

  7. Payload
  8. Payload is a block/unit that is not physically placed in the world, they are either on a conveyor or picked up by unit,
    however if you save its reference prior to making it a payload up you can still sensor data from it like @x and @y, although @dead will be true.
    unit’s payload capacity can be found in-game’s info menu
    Example: 3x3 means the unit can carry 9 of 1x1 blocks, 2 of 2x2 blocks and, 1 of 3x3 blocks
    for units its the same, a mace size is 1.25 x 1.25 meaning it will take 1.5625 block worth of space as payload

  9. Unit Bind
  10. Bind 1 unit and put its reference in the @unit variable,
    When binding a unit @[type] it will bind in an order
    the order of bind is determined by how old it is, the first unit alive will be binded first and the most recent unit is last
    When looped (meaning the unit bind instruction is run again) it will bind the next unit in the order, when it reach the end it will go back and bind the first order
    Here’s a visualization : the red box indicates that the unit is in the @unit variable
    Don’t worry about instruction line 1,2,3,they are there just to make the code not 1 instruction, to more easily visualize it.
    Let’s say the first mega reference “mega#1”, when “mega#1” is binded it store the reference in @unit meaning @unit is now “mega#1”, and so on with “mega#2 , 3 , 4”

    Unit bind can also be used with a variable that stores a unit reference to bind that specific unit directly,
    for example the radar instruction can output a unit reference to a variable, you can use that variable for ubind,
    another example after binding a @[type] with ubind you can save @unit to another variable, then rebind that unit with the variable

  11. Unit Control
  12. Unit control, controls one unit in the @unit variable, a common misconception is that it controls all binded unit, this is wrong, it might seem that way because processor loops, everytime it loops ubind it binds a new unit and controls it, it does this very fast that it looks like its controlling all unit at once.
    and a second common misconception is that Unit control wait for completion before running the next unit control, this is also wrong, Like the visualization you see above, the processor doesn’t care what instruction you put in it, it will just run it regardless, it is not smart, you have to specify it yourself.

    • Move
    • Move to unit to the specified coordinates in a straight line Once the instruction is run it will move to that coordinates even if you immediately remove the instruction, its similar to RTS controls (shift clicking and left click to move unit to the cursor location)

    • Approach
    • Similar to move but it has a radius, the unit will stop at the radius

    • pathFind
    • Path find to the specified location Usually used with grounded units as Move moves the unit in a straight line and grounded units can get stuck in buildings If the specified location is inside a building or invalid the unit will not move, they will stay in place

    • autoPathFind
    • Automatically pathfinds to the nearest enemy core or drop point.
      This is the same as standard wave enemy pathfinding

    • Idle
    • Stop moving, but keep building/mining, the default state

    • Stop
    • Stop moving, mining, and building

    • Boost
    • Enable boosting, boolean, 1 = boost, 0 = don’t boost. cannot be disabled if boosted unit cannot land (on top of blocks/buildings)

    • Target
    • Shoot a coordinate position, boolean, 1 = shoot, 0 = stop shooting

    • TargetP
    • Same as target but shoot a unit reference instead and with velocity prediction

    • ItemDrop
    • Drops items the unit is currently carrying to the specified location
      to a building reference
      amount is how many to drop
      Unit have to be within (5.625 + [block size] / 2) tiles of the targeted block (from the middle), else it does nothing
      Can also drop to “@air” which will discard the item anywhere
      to drop everything just put a large number like 999
      Unit has an interaction limit of 1,5 seconds, meaning it can only take/drop item every 1,5 seconds

    • ItemTake
    • Takes items from the specified building to the unit, unit’s item capacity can be found in-game’s info menu,
      from a building reference
      amount is how many to take
      a unit can only carry 1 type item at a time
      Unit have to be within 5.625 + [block size] / 2 tiles of the targeted block (from the middle), else it does nothing,
      to take the maximum amount the unit can take just put a large number like 999,
      Unit has an interaction limit of 1.5 seconds, meaning it can only take/drop item every 1.5 seconds.

    • PayDrop
    • Drop payload at current location.

    • PayTake
    • Pick up a block or a unit at current location and turn it into a payload
      if multiple blocks/unit is below the taker location it will take block/unit that is closest to the taker location (taker @x and @y)
      for example a unit taker location is exactly at 10,10 , there's 2 unit below it at 9.8,10 and 9.9,10 , when using paytake it will take the 9.9,10 unit

    • PayEnter
    • Land/enter on a building directly below the unit, that accept payload, like reconstructor

    • Mine
    • Mine a coordinate position, if out of range or not mineable will do nothing

    • Build
    • Build a block at specified location, if out of range or invalid will do nothing
      x,y is build location
      block is what block to build
      rotation is what orientation the block is built, 0 is right, 1 is up, 2 is left, and 3 is down
      Config, configuration of blocks, eg, if `@copper` when building a sorter will set the sorter to `@copper`. Additionally can be a building reference, eg, if `@this` when building a processor will copy `@this` processor’s code to the built processor

    • getBlock
    • Gets a block at a specified location, outputs will be null if out of range
      x,y is coordinate location to get the block
      type is an output, it will output the type of block to the variable
      building is an output, it will output the building reference to the variable
      floor is an output, it will output the type of floor to the variable

      when getBlock-ing a cell,bank, or a display you can still write/draw to them even if the unit is no longer present, only the building reference is needed for these blocks, this means you can get them once and then unbind/move the unit your variable of building will remain until either you overwrite it or the processor is refreshed.
      however you can't enable/disable or config getBlock-ed buildings,

    • Within
    • Check if unit is within a position with a radius
      x,y is coordinate location to check if unit is within that coordinate
      radius is the radius of the within
      returns boolean
      result is the result, 0 / 1, true / false
      Example: (the @unit variable is mega shown on the picture)
      alt alt
      In this two scenario, the first picture will have the variable `result` true because the unit is within the circle, while the second picture is false because it is outside the circle

    • Unbind
    • Immediately unbind unit

    • Flag
    • Gives the unit a numeric flag, essentially assigning a number to a unit, this number serves no purpose other than being read, what you do with the number is up to you
      the flag "lives" in the unit, meaning a unit will permanently retains its flag until written again, even if the processor is destroyed
      Unit default flag is 0
      a unit can only store 1 numeric flag
      The largest integer that can be stored in a single flag is related to integer limitations

  13. Unit Radar
  14. alt
    Unit radar locates other unit around the @unit unit within the unit’s range (information can be found in-game’s info menu)
    target is a filter of what category of unit it will radar, enemy means it will radar enemy units
    Order is sorting order, ascending or descending, can only be 0 or 1
    sort is a metric to sort results by, distance means it will get unit by distance
    Since order is 1, the unit gotten is the closest to that @unit’s unit
    Will output the unit reference to `result`.
    sort distance order 1 = closest, 0 = furthest
    sort health, maxHealth, armor, shield order 1 = highest, 0 = lowest

  15. Unit Locate
  16. Locates the nearest building/ore/spawn to the unit without needing to be in the unit’s range, but limited to what it can locates

    1. Building
    2. Will locate a building of the selected group, in this case, core,
      Enemy is whether to locate enemy building’s or not, true means it will locate enemy’s building, false means it will locate ally building
      outX and outY are the building’s output coordinates
      Found is an output on whether the building is found(exist in the map) or not, true means it is found, false means it is not found
      Building is an output of that building reference

    3. Ore
    4. alt
      Will locate an ore of the selected type, in this case @copper
      May not consistently return the closest tile, but will always return the closest "vein"

    5. Spawn
    6. Will locate an enemy spawn point, may be a core or a position

    7. Damaged
    8. Will locate an ally damaged building

Simple Logic examples

From now on i will start documenting logic invention, Mlog Invention
if you have a logic schematic/program/invention you want to be documented here feel free to dm me

Universal Switch

alt alt
line 0 : sensor for @enabled in `switch1`, stores the state in the `switch` variable
line 1 : getlink with `link`, which is an incrementing variable
line 2 : sensor for @type in block for later
line 3 : increment the variable `link`
line 4 : resets the variable `link` when it reached `@links` using the % operator
line 5 : jump if `type` is @switch, this ensures that the switch building does not get controlled
line 6 : control the enabled of `block`, which is the results of getlink, to `switch`

Shuttle Logic


Line 0 : bind a flare
Line 1 : locate an ally core, outputs its coordinates to `cx,cy`, and building reference to `core`
Line 2 - 3 : get the coordinates of the linked vault using sensor
Line 4 : sensoring the @totalItems from @unit to get the amount of items the unit are currently carrying
Line 5 : a conditional jump, jump to (move to core) and take item if the item the unit are currently carrying is 0
Else jump to move to (vault and drop item)
Line 6-7: move to vault and take item from vault
Line 8 : end, to make sure both (move to core) and (move to vault) cannot run in the same time
Line 9-10 : move to core and take @copper from core

The key is to not put 2 or more move that the processor can run “simultaneously”, in other words don’t make the unit move to 2 location or more “simultaneously” Either move to core or move to vault based on a condition

Thorium Reactor Fail Safe

alt alt

line 0 : getlink with `i`, which is an incrementing variable, writes the result to `block`
line 1 : sensor for cryofluid in `block`, writes the result to `cryo`
line 2 : compare if `cryo` > (greater than) 15, if it is `fail` will be true, else `fail` will be false
line 3 : control `block` to `fail` which controls the thorium reactors to `fail`, if line 2 is true then `fail` is true, thus enabling the thorium reactor
line 4 : incrementing the variable `i`
line 5 : resets the variable `i` when it reached `@links` using the % operator

@counter Array

This is a bit more advanced than previous examples but it is very useful especially for unit multibind, assuming you already know what an array is you can simulate it using the @counter variable

The variable ‘array’ is now an array, this is a static array, meaning the size of the array is fixed, you can however expand the size of the array to how many you want


Writing in text editor

Mlog are essentially plain text, this means you can use any text editor to write mlog, including Notepad
Here are some things that makes it easier to write in plain text:
In these example i will be using Visual Studio Code with “Mindustry Logic” extension

a new VS Code extension for Mlog is available at “Mindustry Logic for VSCode”, made by JeanJPNM . This extension brings actual support for mlog, like syntax highlighting, intellisense, diagnostic messages, and more, if you’re writing with VSCode I recommend checking this out.



Labels are replacement for jumps number, this way you can write freely without needing to worry about jump numbers


Comments will be removed when importing the code to the game

Combining lines


You can combine lines with “ ; “

Tabs and newlines


Tabs and newlines will also be removed when importing the code to the game, this is just for better readability

List of mlog instruction in text form


Transpiler is a program that translate programming language to another programming language

List of compiler: (Last updated: 30 January 2023) (Information gathered by Varxalaxiacis)
  1. Mindcode :
  2. A high level language for Mindustry Logic (mlog) and Mindustry Schematics.
    • Repo Owner : cardillan
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-30T01:04:36Z
    • Stars : 93

  3. Mlog JS :
  4. Compile javascript into Mindustry logic code (mlog)
    • Repo Owner : mlogjs
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-23T21:09:22Z
    • Stars : 70

  5. Pyndustric :
  6. A Python compiler for Mindustry's logic processors assembly language
    • Repo Owner : Lonami
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-07T07:05:14Z
    • Stars : 50

  7. go-mlog :
  8. Go to Mindustry (MLOG) compiler, runtime and decompiler (WIP)
    • Repo Owner : Vilsol
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-26T17:04:51Z
    • Stars : 27

  9. Mlog Bang Lang :
  10. Mindustry logic extension meta-programming language, for zero additional overhead!
    • Repo Owner : A4-Tacks
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-29T07:07:16Z
    • Stars : 19

  11. c2logic :
  12. Compiles C code to Mindustry logic.
    • Repo Owner : SuperStormer
    • Last Updated : 2024-12-03T03:57:31Z
    • Stars : 16

  13. Mlogx :
  14. A compiler(technically a transpiler) for Mindustry Logic(mlog.)
    • Repo Owner : BalaM314
    • Last Updated : 2024-12-08T14:33:51Z
    • Stars : 14

  15. Mlogpp :
  16. high level mindustry logic language
    • Repo Owner : albi-c
    • Last Updated : 2024-01-14T15:50:21Z
    • Stars : 7

  17. Mlogls :
  18. A language server for the Mindustry Logic programming language
    • Repo Owner : JeanJPNM
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-27T22:40:10Z
    • Stars : 6

  19. MlogEvo :
  20. Assembly-like language compiles to Mindustry Logic Language
    • Repo Owner : yangfl
    • Last Updated : 2024-11-10T17:32:34Z
    • Stars : 3

  21. GLSL to Mlog :
  22. Transpiles GLSL to mlog (Mindustry Logic)
    • Repo Owner : quantumsheep
    • Last Updated : 2024-12-17T08:49:50Z
    • Stars : 3

  23. mlogium :
  24. high level mindustry logic language
    • Repo Owner : albi-c
    • Last Updated : 2024-06-24T12:51:41Z
    • Stars : 1

  25. Mlog Compiler :
  26. A compiler that compiles a custom programming language into Mindustry logic.
    • Repo Owner : BnDLett
    • Last Updated : 2025-01-05T09:30:23Z
    • Stars : 0

  27. Mindustry CodeToLogic :
  28. Converter from code to mindustry logic
    • Repo Owner : Voz-Duh
    • Last Updated : 2022-12-16T19:45:49Z
    • Stars : 0


    these mods add little to none new content, their purpose is to enhance logic, not add to them

  • yr2 Logic Debugger
  • a common and popular choice, can be found in the game's mod browser
    a very comprehensive mod that enchance the ui of logic, gives many excellent extra feature like:
    • viewing memory cells content in real time
    • viewing all processor's variables in real time
    • view currently binded unit with a red line trace to the unit
    • and much more

  • Logic Debugger By DeltaNedas
  • can be found in the game's mod browser
    features :
    • Step through logic instructions
    • viewing memory cells content in real time
    • viewing all processor's variables in real time

  • Logic Debugger Extended
  • an extended version of Logic Debugger By Deltanedas extended By zxtej
    Repo :

  • Infinite/logics
  • Gives faster processor and world processor, max ipt of which is 6 Million (6.000.000) compared to world processor vanilla which is 500.
    Gives larger and borderless displays
    can be found in the game's mods browser

  • New Console
  • Gives a new console ui superior to the built-in one
    can be found in the game's mods browser

  • Time Control
  • speed up / slow down the game.
    when used with a logic debugger you can see each instruction execution in slow motion, might give a better understanding how a code works, or debugging.
    can be found in the game's mods browser

Antithreading / Subframe

uses the game update order to force multiple processors into one.
Every ingame frame the game updates blocks from left to right and bottom to top, this is not always true if you just recently placed a block, to fix this reload your save.
`wait 1e-3` or just `wait 0.001` will make the processor wait exactly a single frame before continuing running the instructions after it, this also depends on your game FPS
using these you can make multiple processors run instructions at the same time
use cases for this are very minimal, ( I, of course, don’t know every detail about this, the use cases i did use this for was drawing into a single display with multiple processor without it flashing)

World Logic

World processor are processor that controls how the world behave, they have every instruction a normal processor have plus world instruction
They have unlimited range
They can link and control every buildings including enemy’s
they can bind and control every units including enemy’s
Maximum IPT of a world processor is 500, which can be set using Set Rate

How to get World Processor

World processor are editor only object, go to the editor - choose a map - at the top left there is a hamburger button alt , click on it and go to “Edit In-Game” alt, world processor along with world cell and world message will appear in the processor menu, however this mode is equivalent to pause mode as nothing runs including processors, go back to the editor open the hamburger button and choose “Playtest” alt instead, this allows you to edit and run processor in real time, although not placing new ones

alternatively you can load your custom map as normal through the “Play” button and use the console to make world processor available, typing :
Blocks.worldProcessor.buildVisibility = BuildVisibility.shown will make world processor available in the menu, and allows you to edit them (making the map into a playtest mode), we are basically doing the same thing as the former method but using the console instead, however when you exit out of the world the game thinks you are in the editor thus putting you in the editor without saving any changes, auto save does work though, so you might want to lower the auto save interval, or you can disable the playtest mode using :
Vars.state.playtestingMap=null before exiting the world

there might be better ways of gaining access to world processor, like using mods, if you know any other easier method let me know and i will edit this section

  1. Get block
  2. alt

    “result” the output
    `get` what to get, can be:
    “floor” get the floor name of the specified coordinate
    “ore” get the ore name of the specified coordinate
    “block” get the block name of the specified coordinate
    “building” get the building reference of the specified coordinate

    `at` x and y coordinate respectively

  3. Set Block
  4. alt

    `set` what type to set, can be :
    “floor” set the floor to the specified name and Coordinate
    “ore” set ore to the specified name and coordinate
    “block” set block to the specified name and coordinate

    name can be found on Environment
    `at` x and y coordinate respectively
    `team` what them to set the block to, can be team name or a number 0 - 255

  5. Spawn Unit
  6. alt

    “result”, the output, unit reference
    `spawn` what unit to spawn
    `at` x and y coordinate respectively
    `team` what them to set the block to, can be team name or a number 0 - 255
    `rot` rotation (facing what direction) of the spawned unit, in degrees, for reference : 360/0 is right, 90 is up

  7. Apply Status
  8. alt

    `apply` or `clear`, apply or clear
    `wet` what status to apply to the unit
    `to` unit, unit reference
    `for` duration of the status

  9. Spawn Wave
  10. alt

  11. Set Rule
  12. alt

    change the current wave timer, in seconds
    set wave number
    change the timer for the next wave, in seconds
    set how large the radius of the no build zone around the enemy core
    set how large the annihilation radius around the enemy spawn point
    set the cap of unit that can be constructed
    set the size of the playable field in the map/sector
    starts at the bottom left
    `x` and `y` is the offset from 0,0
    `width` and `height` is the size of the map, calculated from the offset

    boolean, whether to enable lightning or not, if disabled all section of the map (other solid walls) will be fully bright
    set the ‘dark’ part of light colors, in other words change colors of shadows
    set the multiplier solar panels produce power
    set the build speed of units
    set the multiplier of unit health, does not actually change unit max health, increase resistance instead, actual damage received = (damage received / unitHealth) as for ‘damage received’ check damage calculation
    set multiplier of unit construction cost
    set the multiplier of unit damage
    set the multiplier of block health
    set the multiplier of block damage (turrets, explosion, etc)

  13. Flush Message
  14. alt

    display a message on player’s screen from the text buffer, will wait until the previous message finishes

    `announce` center of the screen

    `notify` top of the screen



  15. Cut scene
  16. manipulate the camera, players cannot move/interact in this mode
    does not have duration cutscene will stays until `cutscene stop` is used
    `pan` moves the camera to the specified coordinates, with specified speed
    `zoom` zooms the camera, value is from 0 to 1, although can be more it is limited by the game, this limit is the same as your manual zoom limit, when used not with `pan` will zoom to 0,0 instead
    `stop` stops previous cutscene

  17. Effect
  18. alt

    display a particle effect on the world, you can click the `warn` to view every available effect

  19. Explosion
  20. alt

    create an explosion
    `team` what team the explosion belong to, explosion cannot harm ally blocks
    `x` `y` where to create the explosion
    `radius` size of explosion, block outside this radius does not take damage
    `damage` the damage of the explosion
    `air` whether to damage air or nor, true means it will damage air (air units, boosted units, etc)
    `ground` whether to damage ground or nor, true means it will damage ground (ground unit, blocks, etc)
    `pierce` whether to pierce buildings or not, if false, it will need a line of sight from the explosion to the block, if something is in the way that block will not be damaged

  21. Set Rate
  22. alt

    Set the speed of the processor, in instruction per tick, 1 second = 60 ticks

  23. Fetch
  24. alt

    get unit, player, core, building, and outputs their reference to “result”, by index
    `team` what team to fetch the object
    `#` index, starts at 0, 0 being the first object
    unitCount, playerCount, coreCount, buildCount, gets the total count of currently alive/available object in the world

    when an object dies the last object index will replace the object index that dies
    for example: you have 10 conveyors indexed from 1-10, conveyor #5 is deconstructed, conveyor
    #10 will the become #5, then a new placed conveyor will become #10

  25. Sync
  26. alt

    sync a variable across all devices, used mainly in multiplayer, to avoid desyncing

  27. Set Flag
  28. alt

    set a global flag / global variable, flag content can only be 0 or 1, true or false
    flag name is enclosed by ` " `
    this flag can be read anywhere in the map using the get flag instruction

  29. Get Flag
  30. alt

    read the flag/variable created by set flag
    reads the content of the flag
    writes the result the the result variable

  31. Set Prop
  32. alt

    sets the properties of a unit or building
    `of` unit/building Reference
    `to` value

Bleeding Edge

Bleeding edge is the newest test version of mindustry, like Early Access or Beta Build
BE version can be found and downloaded on

BE feature are subject to change, therefore i cannot make sure these information are up to date

  • Read and Write
  • the read and write instruction now supports writing and reading directly to another processor.
    by putting "string" on the at field and the processor reference on the to field, you can directly change the value of that variable in that processor

  • Print char
  • print a character and put it in the text buffer like print does, however takes integer as an input instead of string.
    uses the ASCII table

  • Draw image
  • Draw image now supports more contents, like floors (@salt, @ice) and more

  • Draw print
  • Draw text from the print buffer. only ASCII characters allowed. clears the print buffer. still needs to be draw flushed

  • Draw Translate
  • Translate / offset the display coordinates, this instruction is cumulative, meaning it translate it by the specified number every flush.
    example: you draw something at 20, 20, running and flushing translate 10,10 will offset the display coordinates by 10, so your (draw at 20,20) is now appeared as it was drawn on 30,30.
    like said above it is cumulative, if you run and flush translate 10, 10 again it will offset it again by 10, so your (draw at 20,20) is now appeared as it was drawn on 40,40.
    also is stored in the display like any other draw instruction, meaning if other processors draw to that display it will also be translated.
    to reset it use draw reset.

  • Draw Scale
  • scale the display coordinates / zooms it, this is also cumulative and stored in the display like translate.
    example: you draw a rectangle at 20, 20 with width and height of 20, 20, if you draw scale 2, 2 the rectangle will appear 2 times bigger / appeared as it was drawn with width and height of 40, 40.
    if you run and flush scale 2, 2 again it will scale it again by 2 times again.
    running scale 1,2 will work as you expected, scaling the y while not scaling the x.

  • Draw Rotate
  • self explanatory, rotate the display coordinates by a degree, also cumulative and stored in the display like translate and scale.

  • Draw Reset
  • resets all previous translate,scale,and rotate / will make your display coordinates normal / as it was like a new one.

  • Format
  • allows you to print a variable or something else inside a string, if you know python it's similar to
    f”string text {variable}”, where `variable` can be anything, int, float, or another string.

    the pattern is {0-9}

    alt alt
    the first format will take {0} and the second format will take {1}

  • Play Sound
  • alt

    plays a sound from the game’s sfx, include all of the game’s .ogg file, can be found in sounds folder.
    volume controls the volume of the played sound.
    pitch change the pitch of the played sound, .
    the formula is, pitch = 2 ^ ([semitone change] / 12 ).
    for example @sfx-press tone is c4 to make it c5 meaning increase it by 12 semitone :
    2 ^ (12 / 12) = 2
    or c6 : 2 ^ (24 / 12) = 4
    or c3 : 2 ^ (-12 / 12) = 0.5

    pan pans the sound to the left or right
    limit, if true prevents sound from being played if the sound has already played in the same frame, this prevents ear destroying sounds

  • Weather Sense
  • sense the current weather is the specified weather type, returns boolean

  • Weather Set
  • set the current state of the weather to the specified type

  • Make Marker
  • Makes a Marker
    a marker is an entity in the map that shows content to the user, for example when you select a unit (shift + drag click) a diamond shaped box appear around that unit, that is a marker, or when you tell a unit to move a line appears, that is also considered a marker, the floating text in the beginning tutorial is also a marker.

    id is numeric identity of the Marker, id can be from 0 to 19999
    meaning a world/map can only have 20.000 markers
    game created markers like the examples above doesn't intervere with player made markers

    replace determines whether this marker will replace exsisting previous markers that has the same id
    currently there is a bug with the replace argument where it replaces other markers than the specified id
    it is recommended to just keep it false

    Texture, makes a marker for a Texture.
    initially invisible until texture is defined, using setmarker texture.
    texture can be anything that is available in the game.

    Quad, are quadrilateral / a 4 sided polygon.
    a quad has 4 vertices and 4 sides.
    each vertices position can be set using setmarker posi.

    texture is initially just pure white, can be defined with setmarker texture,
    then needs to be further defined with setmarker uvi to set the texture location within the quad.

    Default quad
    Quad with texture and uvi
    Stretched Quad with colori
    Raycast displayed using quads

  • Set Marker
  • Sets a property of a marker with the specified id.

    texture, sets the texure of a marker.
    the `printFlush` argument are boolean,
    when true it uses the text in the text buffer as the name,
    otherwise uses the `name` argument.
    name can game content name, like @router, or @surge-alloy, if doesn't work use file name instead.
    can also be file name, like "item-copper", when using a file name remember to put them in quotes,
    file names can be found on

    posi, sets the vertices location of a quad, location are world x,y location
    with index from 0-3
    each index repesents each vertices

    uvi, sets each vertices of the texture relative to the quad (UV Mapping with index)
    with index from 0-3
    each index repesents each vertices, example:
    #0 (0,0)
    #1 (1,0)
    #2 (1,1)
    #3 (0,1)
    will sets each texture vertices exactly where the quad vertices are, this means texture will stretch/reform to the quad shapes

    colori, similar to uvi, if indexes are set to different colors; color will gradient from one to the other
    with index from 0-3
    each index repesents each vertices, example:
    #0 (0,0)
    #1 (1,0)
    #2 (1,1)
    #3 (0,1)
    will set
    color, change the color of the marker.
    color only tints the color of the marker,
    meaning a marker that already has a color, like setting the color of a texture to white doesn't effect them, it will appear as its original texture color,
    since quad doesn't have a color quad will take the full color the specified color.

  • Locale Print

  • @cameraWidth and @cameraHeight
  • an object camera width/height, usually the players possesed object, eg turrets/units
    the width/height numbers are in blocks
    `sensor width @unit @cameraWidth`, where @unit is the player
    a maxed zoomed out screen on a 1080x1920 screen width is 40, which means the viewable width is 40 blocks
    if the object is not a player/doesn't have a camera returns 0

  • @cameraX and @cameraY
  • an object x/y camera location
    the x/y numbers are in the map coordinate system
    `sensor x @unit @cameraX`, where `@unit` is the player
    while moving the camera returns the camera position in the map coordinate location
    different from sensoring `@x` since you can move the camera independently of the unit

  • @solid
  • an object solidness
    `sensor s conveyor1 @solid`
    returns `s` as 0
    while a wall for example returns 1

  • @velocityX and @velocityY
  • an object velocity, in blocks/second
    `sensor vx @unit @velocityX`
    returns `vx` as a number of the @unit velocity in blocks/second
    can also be think of as a vector,
    by using `op len` on the @unit's @velocityX and @velocityY you can get the unit current speed
    this variable also avaiable in `setprop`


    These are niche question that very small number of people might have

    Mindustry coordinate system

    unlike traditional Cartesian Coordinate System where the center point of a coordinate is on the edge of a block Mindustry chooses the middle of a block as its center point instead
    the game still uses Cartesian but just offset by 0.5
    the game also by default set 0,0 to the very bottom left of the world, this means all campaign world and most custom worlds (since you can set the coordinate offset in the editor) playfield are always positive

    The word configure turns to config

    in v6 the config property was renamed to configure. To ensure backwards compatibility with old code the game automatically changes the word configure to config
    therefore it is not recommended to use the word configure anywhere in your code
    this applies both when writing in game and importing from text

    You cannot spawn Scathe missile

    To spawn a Scathe missile you have to spawn a unit capable of carrying a payload, set that unit payload to scathe missile using `setprop` and `@scathe-missle`, make the unit drop the payload and then kill the unit
    you can also setprop properties of the scathe missile.
    by using fetch with @scathe-missile as the `unit` argument you can get the scathe missile reference
    you can put this reference to the setprop instruction to set the properties of the missile.

    Modded items and draw image

    the game doesn’t generate logic icons for modded items, this means you cannot draw it using draw image

    AI chatbot doesn’t understand Mlog

    AI chatbot like ChatGPT / Copilot / Aria, can’t do and doesn’t understand Mlog, to my knowledge there is no AI currently that can assist you with Mlog

    Getting unit cap

    There currently no way of getting the unit cap consistently, there are workarounds however, assuming the default cap isn’t changed you can count how many cores there are in the map and what type it is, if you know both of those you can get the unit cap by summing up all of those core(s) ‘Max Active Unit’ Shard has a unit cap of 8, foundation is 16, and nucleus is 24, info of which can be found in the game’s info menu

    v6 unit controls with logic

    you cannot 100% replicate v6 unit controlling with logic, formation and shooting is possible, but support units cannot help you build like they used to in v6, although not perfect the RTS controls is the best we currently have

    Damage calculation

    every unit has an armor value, in most cases damage is just simply subtracted by this armor value, formula is
    damage received = max (damage * 0.1 , damage - armor)
    example :
    unit = corvus, armor = 9
    enemy turret = lancer, damage = 140

    damage received = max ( 140 * 0.1 , 140 - 9)
    damage received = max ( 14 , 131)
    damage received = 131


    Math is useful in every language. Since there are so many topics, I will only explain the ones commonly used in Mindustry.
    • Trigonometry
      Calculates how much a point moves along the Y-axis based on an angle.
      for example: Imagine a clock hand (arrow) with a length of 1, the arrow is currently point to 3 o'clock, let's say that is 0°,
      now rotate the arrow counterclock wise by 45°, the arrow is now pointing between 1 and 2 (1:30),
      now place a point at the tip of the arrow,
      in just the Y-axis what is the length from the center of the clock to that point?
      this is what sin(45°) gets, which is 0.707106...,
      Cosine does the same but in the X-axis instead

      using this you can plot a point based on another point
      for example you want to plot a point in front of a unit, sensor its @rotation, sine and cosine it,
      the new point formula is Xnew = Xcurrent + Cos(@rotation) and Ynew = Ycurrent + Sin(@rotation)
      where Xcurrent and Ycurrent is the current location of the unit, which you can get by sensoring it for @x and @y
      this will plot a point with a length exactly 1 from the unit, to increase the length just multiply the output of the sine and cosine:
      5*Cos(@rotation) and 5*Sin(@rotation), same as before add this to the current unit position, this will make a point in front of the unit with a length of exactly 5

    • LERP (Linear Interpolation)
      in Mindustry it is mainly used for getting a point in between 2 known points, the general formula are:
      Xnew = (1 - t) * X1 + t * X2
      Ynew = (1 - t) * Y1 + t * Y2
      where X1 and Y1 is the first known point and
      X2 and Y2 is the second known point
      t is ratio from 1 point to the other, for example if you wanna get a point in the middle of 2 known point put t as 0.5
      or if you want 75% of the way, put t as 0.75

    • Vectors
      Vector is defined by a : Direction, and Magnitude
      Direction is where the vector is pointing at
      Magnitude is how long the vector is
      for example : a vector with direction of (1,0), since the X component of the direction is 1 and Y is 0 this means the vector is pointing straight to the right with a magnitude of 1
      how do we know this?
      assume the vector base is (0,0) then draw a point with the direction as its location (1,0), now you have 2 points, from the vector base draw a line/arrow to the second point, now you know where the vector is pointing
      to get the magnitude we have to do some calculation:
      Magnitude = √(Dx)2 + (Dy)2
      or you can use mindustry built in instruction the op len by putting Dx and Dy

      for 2 points in space how do we get a vector from one to another?
      if you remember vector is just a point pointing to another point in space
      point A : (10,10) point B : (15,20), let's say you want to get a vector from A to B
      you only need to get the displacement from A to B, this can be easily calculated by just subtracting each component from each point
      C = (Bx - Ax), (By - Ay)
      C = (5,10), thats it, C is now a vector
      if you add C to A the location of A will now become B, add it again it will be at another point of (20,30)

      what is the use of vector?, imagine you have a ball, you throw it directly upwards with the speed of let's say 10 unit/second, that ball now have a vector of (0,10), vector can be used to determined an object velocity
      in programming, you have a point that you want to move, unlike reality you cannot move an object with infinite precision , you can only step through (usually per tick), you want to move it 12 units to the right per second, its simple, just add (12,0) to your point every second, you might say it looks like its jumping not moving, well we really can't get an object to move in the digital world like in reality only the illusion of moving, so you want to add the vector to your point in quicker succession with smaller magnitude, let's say 60 times per seconds you want to add (0.2,0) to your point every 1/60th of a second to get it to move 12 units in 1 second

    Linking a processor to itself

    normally control enabled @this 0, doesn't work, but if you link the processor to itself it does
    to link a processor to itself you either need a modified schematic file or using the console:, y).build.links.add(new LogicBlock.LogicLink(x, y, "processor1", true))
    replace the x and y to the coordinates of the processor, and paste it to the console, this will make the processor link it self
    now control enabled @this 0 will work,
    there might be some other uses for it, but i haven't found any, if you do feel free to contact me so i can update this

    Self Promotion

    My Micro Processor only Bad Apple!!!

    Bad Apple!! in Mindustry! alt

    Raycasting and DDA Raycasting

    Mindustry Raycasting alt DDA Raycasting alt

    Perspective Projection

    Perspective Projection | Mindustry alt alt

    Power Monitor with Numbers



    Mlog Invention

    is in a seperate page

    Built in variables

    Information of each might be added in the future


    number of wave currently
    current countdown time for next wave
    derelict team
    sharded team
    crux team
    malis team
    green team
    blue team
    alias for stone-wall
    count of total different type of block in the game
    count of total different type of unit in the game
    count of total different type of item in the game
    count of total different type of liquid in the game


    @air @spawn @cliff @build1
    @build2 @build3 @build4 @build5
    @build6 @build7 @build8 @build9
    @build10 @build11 @build12 @build13
    @build14 @build15 @build16 @deep-water
    @shallow-water @tainted-water @deep-tainted-water @darksand-tainted-water
    @sand-water @darksand-water @tar @pooled-cryofluid
    @molten-slag @space @empty @stone
    @crater-stone @char @basalt @hotrock
    @magmarock @sand-floor @darksand @dirt
    @mud @dacite @rhyolite @rhyolite-crater
    @rough-rhyolite @regolith @yellow-stone @carbon-stone
    @ferric-stone @ferric-craters @beryllic-stone @crystalline-stone
    @crystal-floor @yellow-stone-plates @red-stone @dense-red-stone
    @red-ice @arkycite-floor @arkyic-stone @rhyolite-vent
    @carbon-vent @arkyic-vent @yellow-stone-vent @red-stone-vent
    @crystalline-vent @redmat @bluemat @grass
    @salt @snow @ice @ice-snow
    @shale @moss @core-zone @spore-moss
    @stone-wall @spore-wall @dirt-wall @dacite-wall
    @ice-wall @snow-wall @dune-wall @regolith-wall
    @yellow-stone-wall @rhyolite-wall @carbon-wall @ferric-stone-wall
    @beryllic-stone-wall @arkyic-wall @crystalline-stone-wall @red-ice-wall
    @red-stone-wall @red-diamond-wall @sand-wall @salt-wall
    @shrubs @shale-wall @spore-pine @snow-pine
    @pine @white-tree-dead @white-tree @spore-cluster
    @redweed @pur-bush @yellowcoral @boulder
    @snow-boulder @shale-boulder @sand-boulder @dacite-boulder
    @basalt-boulder @carbon-boulder @ferric-boulder @beryllic-boulder
    @yellow-stone-boulder @arkyic-boulder @crystal-cluster @vibrant-crystal-cluster
    @crystal-blocks @crystal-orbs @crystalline-boulder @red-ice-boulder
    @rhyolite-boulder @red-stone-boulder @metal-floor @metal-floor-damaged
    @metal-floor-2 @metal-floor-3 @metal-floor-4 @metal-floor-5
    @dark-panel-1 @dark-panel-2 @dark-panel-3 @dark-panel-4
    @dark-panel-5 @dark-panel-6 @dark-metal @pebbles
    @tendrils @ore-copper @ore-lead @ore-scrap
    @ore-coal @ore-titanium @ore-thorium @ore-beryllium
    @ore-tungsten @ore-crystal-thorium @ore-wall-thorium @ore-wall-beryllium
    @graphitic-wall @ore-wall-tungsten


    total items the object is currently holding; returns integer
    the first item the object is currently holding
    returns item names, eg, @copper, @lead, @surge-alloy
    total liquid units the object is currently holding; returns number
    total power stored in a singular battery, returns number, can also check if a block is powered or not, returns boolean
    the maximum item capacity an object can hold, for vault it is 1000 even though it can store each item for 1000; returns number, information can also be found on ingame’s info menu
    the maximum liquid units capacity an object can hold; returns number, information can also be found on ingame’s info menu
    the maximum power unit a battery can hold; returns number, information can also be found on ingame’s info menu
    the power currently stored in the net (all connected batteries); returns number
    the maximum power unit a net of battery can hold; returns number
    the gross power of net generators (anything that generate power); returns number
    the load power of net (anything that uses power); returns number
    the number of shot a turret can shoot, doesn’t necessarily mean total items in turret
    the maximum amount of items (ammo) a turret can hold; returns number
    the current health of object, returns number
    the maximum health of object, returns number
    heat of object, like heat in thorium reactor / force projector, returns number
    efficiency of a block depending its resources, eg, a block needs 100 power but there's only 50, efficiency will return 0.5, or 15 liquid but there's only 7, will return 0.46. returns number
    not affected by floor type, eg thermal generator on magma rock, or water extractor on ice (still return 1)

    progress of an object, eg, launch pad when on their cooldown, foreshadow when on their cooldown; returns number, 0 - 1
    multipliers of boosted object (overdrived with overdrive projector or overdrive dome), returns number, 1 is normal value, 1.5 is when overdrive with overdrive projector, 2.5 is dome
    rotation of object, returns number in degrees,0 - 360, 360/0 is right, 90 is up, 180 is left, 270 is down
    for blocks its: 0 is right, 1 is up, 2 is left, and 3 is down

    the x coordinate location of the object; returns number
    the y coordinate location of the object; returns number
    the x coordinate value of what that object is targeting, returns number, if used on a player will return their cursor position
    the y coordinate value of what that object is targeting, returns number, if used on a player will return their cursor position
    the size of object; returns number, eg, foreshadow is 4 because it is 4x4, information can also be found on ingame’s info menu
    whether the object is dead or not, returns booelan, 1 is dead, 0 is not dead
    range of object; returns number, information can also be found on ingame’s info menu
    whether the object is shooting or not, returns boolean, 1 is shooting, 0 is not shooting
    whether the object is boosting or not; returns boolean, 1 is boosting, 0 is not boosting
    if unit is mining returns the x coordinate value of that unit mining location, else returns -1
    if unit is mining returns the y coordinate value of that unit mining location, else returns -1
    whether the unit is mining or not; returns boolean, 1 is mining, 0 is not mining
    the object maximum speed, in tiles/second; returns number, information can also be found on ingame’s info menu, there is currently no variable for current speed
    the object team; returns integers, 1 is sharded, 2 is crux, …. there are a total of 256 available team in mindustry
    0 = @derelict
    1 = @sharded
    2 = @crux
    3 = @malis
    4 = @green
    5 = @blue
    6 - 255 = unnamed

    returns the object’s content name (not reference), eg, for router returns `@router` , not a string
    the object’s flags; returns number, unit can be flagged with `ucontrol flag`
    check if unit is controlled, returns :
    0 , if unit is not controlled by anything
    @ctrlProcessor or 1, if unit is controlled by processor
    @ctrlPlayer or 2, if unit is controlled by a player
    @ctrlCommad or 3, if unit is controlled by a player command

    returns the controller reference, if processor will returns that processor building reference, else returns the unit reference itself
    name of player, returns string
    number of payload the unit is currently carrying, returns integer
    name of payload, will return only the last picked up payload, returns name
    returns the content name ID, returns integer
    (a reference does not have an @id)

    whether the object is enabled or not, returns boolean; 1 is enabled, 0 is disabled
    configuration of object, eg, sorter item names
    color of illuminator, returns packed color

    Blocks and Items


    @graphite-press @multi-press @silicon-smelter @silicon-crucible
    @kiln @plastanium-compressor @phase-weaver @surge-smelter
    @cryofluid-mixer @pyratite-mixer @blast-mixer @melter
    @separator @disassembler @spore-press @pulverizer
    @coal-centrifuge @incinerator @silicon-arc-furnace @electrolyzer
    @atmospheric-concentrator @oxidation-chamber @electric-heater @slag-heater
    @phase-heater @heat-redirector @heat-router @slag-incinerator
    @carbide-crucible @slag-centrifuge @surge-crucible @cyanogen-synthesizer
    @phase-synthesizer @heat-reactor @copper-wall @copper-wall-large
    @titanium-wall @titanium-wall-large @plastanium-wall @plastanium-wall-large
    @thorium-wall @thorium-wall-large @phase-wall @phase-wall-large
    @surge-wall @surge-wall-large @door @door-large
    @scrap-wall @scrap-wall-large @scrap-wall-huge @scrap-wall-gigantic
    @thruster @beryllium-wall @beryllium-wall-large @tungsten-wall
    @tungsten-wall-large @blast-door @reinforced-surge-wall @reinforced-surge-wall-large
    @carbide-wall @carbide-wall-large @shielded-wall @mender
    @mend-projector @overdrive-projector @overdrive-dome @force-projector
    @shock-mine @radar @build-tower @regen-projector
    @shockwave-tower @shield-projector @large-shield-projector @conveyor
    @titanium-conveyor @plastanium-conveyor @armored-conveyor @junction
    @bridge-conveyor @phase-conveyor @sorter @inverted-sorter
    @router @distributor @overflow-gate @underflow-gate
    @mass-driver @duct @armored-duct @duct-router
    @overflow-duct @underflow-duct @duct-bridge @duct-unloader
    @surge-conveyor @surge-router @unit-cargo-loader @unit-cargo-unload-point
    @mechanical-pump @rotary-pump @impulse-pump @conduit
    @pulse-conduit @plated-conduit @liquid-router @liquid-container
    @liquid-tank @liquid-junction @bridge-conduit @phase-conduit
    @reinforced-pump @reinforced-conduit @reinforced-liquid-junction @reinforced-bridge-conduit
    @reinforced-liquid-router @reinforced-liquid-container @reinforced-liquid-tank @power-node
    @power-node-large @surge-tower @diode @battery
    @battery-large @combustion-generator @thermal-generator @steam-generator
    @differential-generator @rtg-generator @solar-panel @solar-panel-large
    @thorium-reactor @impact-reactor @beam-node @beam-tower
    @beam-link @turbine-condenser @chemical-combustion-chamber @pyrolysis-generator
    @flux-reactor @neoplasia-reactor @mechanical-drill @pneumatic-drill
    @laser-drill @blast-drill @water-extractor @cultivator
    @oil-extractor @vent-condenser @cliff-crusher @plasma-bore
    @large-plasma-bore @impact-drill @eruption-drill @core-shard
    @core-foundation @core-nucleus @core-bastion @core-citadel
    @core-acropolis @container @vault @unloader
    @reinforced-container @reinforced-vault @duo @scatter
    @scorch @hail @wave @lancer
    @arc @parallax @swarmer @salvo
    @segment @tsunami @fuse @ripple
    @cyclone @foreshadow @spectre @meltdown
    @breach @diffuse @sublimate @titan
    @disperse @afflict @lustre @scathe
    @smite @malign @ground-factory @air-factory
    @naval-factory @additive-reconstructor @multiplicative-reconstructor @exponential-reconstructor
    @tetrative-reconstructor @repair-point @repair-turret @tank-fabricator
    @ship-fabricator @mech-fabricator @tank-refabricator @mech-refabricator
    @ship-refabricator @prime-refabricator @tank-assembler @ship-assembler
    @mech-assembler @basic-assembler-module @unit-repair-tower @payload-conveyor
    @payload-router @reinforced-payload-conveyor @reinforced-payload-router @payload-mass-driver
    @large-payload-mass-driver @small-deconstructor @deconstructor @constructor
    @large-constructor @payload-loader @payload-unloader @power-source
    @power-void @item-source @item-void @liquid-source
    @liquid-void @payload-source @payload-void @heat-source
    @illuminator @legacy-mech-pad @legacy-unit-factory @legacy-unit-factory-air
    @legacy-unit-factory-ground @command-center @launch-pad @interplanetary-accelerator
    @message @switch @micro-processor @logic-processor
    @hyper-processor @memory-cell @memory-bank @logic-display
    @large-logic-display @canvas @reinforced-message @world-processor
    @world-cell @world-message


    @copper @lead @metaglass
    @graphite @sand @coal
    @titanium @thorium @scrap
    @silicon @plastanium @phase-fabric
    @surge-alloy @spore-pod @blast-compound
    @pyratite @beryllium @tungsten
    @oxide @carbide @fissile-matter
    @dormant-cyst @water @slag
    @oil @cryofluid @neoplasm
    @arkycite @gallium @ozone
    @hydrogen @nitrogen @cyanogen


    @dagger @mace @fortress
    @scepter @reign @nova
    @pulsar @quasar @vela
    @corvus @crawler @atrax
    @spiroct @arkyid @toxopid
    @flare @horizon @zenith
    @antumbra @eclipse @mono
    @poly @mega @quad
    @oct @risso @minke
    @bryde @sei @omura
    @retusa @oxynoe @cyerce
    @aegires @navanax @alpha
    @beta @gamma @stell
    @locus @precept @vanquish
    @conquer @merui @cleroi
    @anthicus @anthicus-missile @tecta
    @collaris @elude @avert
    @obviate @quell @quell-missile
    @disrupt @disrupt-missile @renale
    @latum @evoke @incite
    @emanate @scathe-missile

    Text form instruction

    or you can just write the instruction in game and “copy to clipboard”

    Normal processor

    read result cell1 0

    write result cell1 0

    draw clear r g b
    color r b g a
    col n
    stroke n
    line x y x2 y2
    rect x y width height
    lineRect x y width height
    poly x y sides radius rotation
    linePoly x y sides radius rotation
    triangle x y x2 y2 x3 y3
    image x y @copper size rotation

    print "frog"

    drawflush display1

    printflush message1

    getlink result index

    control enabled block1 enable
    shoot block1 x y shoot
    shootp block1 unit shoot
    config block1 to
    color block1 to

    radar filter filter filter distance turret1 order result
    any health
    enemy shield
    ally armor
    player maxHealth

    sensor result block1 @copper

    set result 0

    op add result a b

    lookup block result index

    packcolor result r g b a

    wait 0.5



    jump -1 equal v1 v2

    ubind @poly
    ucontrol idle
    move x y
    approach x y radius
    pathfind x y
    boost enable
    target x y shoot
    targetp unit shoot
    itemDrop to amount
    itemTake from amount
    payTake takeUnits
    mine x y
    flag value
    build x y block rotation config
    getBlock x y type building floor
    within x y radius result

    uradar any any any distance 0 1 result
    enemy distance
    ally health
    player shield
    attacker armor
    flying maxHealth

    ulocate building core enemy @copper outx outy found building

    ulocate ore core true @copper outx outy found building
    ulocate spawn core true @copper outx outy found building
    ulocate spawn core true @copper outx outy found building

    World Processor

    getblock floor result x y

    setblock floor @block x y @team rotation

    spawn @unit x y rotation @team result

    status false wet unit duration
    true burning

    spawnwave x y false

    setrule currentWaveTime value
    mapArea 0 x y 100 100

    message notify duration

    cutscene pan x y speed 0
    zoom level

    effect trail x y size %color

    explosion @team x y radius damage (air)bool (ground)bool (pierce)bool

    setrate rate(ipt)

    fetch build result @team index block

    sync var

    getflag result "flag"

    setflag "flag" true

    setprop @copper block1 to

    Lookup IDs


    0 = @graphite-press
    1 = @multi-press
    2 = @silicon-smelter
    3 = @silicon-crucible
    4 = @kiln
    5 = @plastanium-compressor
    6 = @phase-weaver
    7 = @cryofluid-mixer
    8 = @pyratite-mixer
    9 = @blast-mixer
    10 = @melter
    11 = @separator
    12 = @disassembler
    13 = @spore-press
    14 = @pulverizer
    15 = @coal-centrifuge
    16 = @incinerator
    17 = @copper-wall
    18 = @copper-wall-large
    19 = @titanium-wall
    20 = @titanium-wall-large
    21 = @plastanium-wall
    22 = @plastanium-wall-large
    23 = @thorium-wall
    24 = @thorium-wall-large
    25 = @phase-wall
    26 = @phase-wall-large
    27 = @surge-wall
    28 = @surge-wall-large
    29 = @door
    30 = @door-large
    31 = @scrap-wall
    32 = @scrap-wall-large
    33 = @scrap-wall-huge
    34 = @scrap-wall-gigantic
    35 = @mender
    36 = @mend-projector
    37 = @overdrive-projector
    38 = @overdrive-dome
    39 = @force-projector
    40 = @shock-mine
    41 = @conveyor
    42 = @titanium-conveyor
    43 = @plastanium-conveyor
    44 = @armored-conveyor
    45 = @junction
    46 = @bridge-conveyor
    47 = @phase-conveyor
    48 = @sorter
    49 = @inverted-sorter
    50 = @router
    51 = @distributor
    52 = @overflow-gate
    53 = @underflow-gate
    54 = @mass-driver
    55 = @duct
    56 = @duct-router
    57 = @duct-bridge
    58 = @mechanical-pump
    59 = @rotary-pump
    60 = @conduit
    61 = @pulse-conduit
    62 = @plated-conduit
    63 = @liquid-router
    64 = @liquid-tank
    65 = @liquid-junction
    66 = @bridge-conduit
    67 = @phase-conduit
    68 = @power-node
    69 = @power-node-large
    70 = @surge-tower
    71 = @diode
    72 = @battery
    73 = @battery-large
    74 = @combustion-generator
    75 = @thermal-generator
    76 = @steam-generator
    77 = @differential-generator
    78 = @rtg-generator
    79 = @solar-panel
    80 = @solar-panel-large
    81 = @thorium-reactor
    82 = @impact-reactor
    83 = @mechanical-drill
    84 = @pneumatic-drill
    85 = @laser-drill
    86 = @blast-drill
    87 = @water-extractor
    88 = @cultivator
    89 = @oil-extractor
    90 = @core-shard
    91 = @core-foundation
    92 = @core-nucleus
    93 = @vault
    94 = @container
    95 = @unloader
    96 = @duo
    97 = @scatter
    98 = @scorch
    99 = @hail
    100 = @wave
    101 = @lancer
    102 = @arc
    103 = @parallax
    104 = @swarmer
    105 = @salvo
    106 = @segment
    107 = @tsunami
    108 = @fuse
    109 = @ripple
    110 = @cyclone
    111 = @foreshadow
    112 = @spectre
    113 = @meltdown
    114 = @command-center
    115 = @ground-factory
    116 = @air-factory
    117 = @naval-factory
    118 = @additive-reconstructor
    119 = @multiplicative-reconstructor
    120 = @exponential-reconstructor
    121 = @tetrative-reconstructor
    122 = @repair-point
    123 = @repair-turret
    124 = @payload-conveyor
    125 = @payload-router
    126 = @power-source
    127 = @power-void
    128 = @item-source
    129 = @item-void
    130 = @liquid-source
    131 = @liquid-void
    132 = @payload-void
    133 = @payload-source
    134 = @illuminator
    135 = @launch-pad
    136 = @interplanetary-accelerator
    137 = @message
    138 = @switch
    139 = @micro-processor
    140 = @logic-processor
    141 = @hyper-processor
    142 = @memory-cell
    143 = @memory-bank
    144 = @logic-display
    145 = @large-logic-display
    146 = @liquid-container
    147 = @deconstructor
    148 = @constructor
    149 = @thruster
    150 = @large-constructor
    151 = @payload-loader
    152 = @payload-unloader
    153 = @silicon-arc-furnace
    154 = @cliff-crusher
    155 = @plasma-bore
    156 = @reinforced-liquid-junction
    157 = @breach
    158 = @core-bastion
    159 = @turbine-condenser
    160 = @beam-node
    161 = @beam-tower
    162 = @build-tower
    163 = @impact-drill
    164 = @carbide-crucible
    165 = @surge-conveyor
    166 = @duct-unloader
    167 = @surge-router
    168 = @reinforced-conduit
    169 = @reinforced-liquid-router
    170 = @reinforced-liquid-container
    171 = @reinforced-liquid-tank
    172 = @reinforced-bridge-conduit
    173 = @core-citadel
    174 = @core-acropolis
    175 = @heat-reactor
    176 = @impulse-pump
    177 = @reinforced-pump
    178 = @electrolyzer
    179 = @oxidation-chamber
    180 = @surge-smelter
    181 = @surge-crucible
    182 = @overflow-duct
    183 = @large-plasma-bore
    184 = @cyanogen-synthesizer
    185 = @slag-centrifuge
    186 = @electric-heater
    187 = @slag-incinerator
    188 = @phase-synthesizer
    189 = @sublimate
    190 = @reinforced-container
    191 = @reinforced-vault
    192 = @atmospheric-concentrator
    193 = @unit-cargo-loader
    194 = @unit-cargo-unload-point
    195 = @chemical-combustion-chamber
    196 = @pyrolysis-generator
    197 = @regen-projector
    198 = @titan
    199 = @small-deconstructor
    200 = @vent-condenser
    201 = @phase-heater
    202 = @heat-redirector
    203 = @tungsten-wall
    204 = @tungsten-wall-large
    205 = @tank-assembler
    206 = @beryllium-wall
    207 = @beryllium-wall-large
    208 = @eruption-drill
    209 = @ship-assembler
    210 = @mech-assembler
    211 = @shield-projector
    212 = @beam-link
    213 = @world-processor
    214 = @reinforced-payload-conveyor
    215 = @reinforced-payload-router
    216 = @disperse
    217 = @large-shield-projector
    218 = @payload-mass-driver
    219 = @world-cell
    220 = @carbide-wall
    221 = @carbide-wall-large
    222 = @tank-fabricator
    223 = @mech-fabricator
    224 = @ship-fabricator
    225 = @reinforced-surge-wall
    226 = @radar
    227 = @blast-door
    228 = @canvas
    229 = @armored-duct
    230 = @unit-repair-tower
    231 = @diffuse
    232 = @prime-refabricator
    233 = @basic-assembler-module
    234 = @reinforced-surge-wall-large
    235 = @tank-refabricator
    236 = @mech-refabricator
    237 = @ship-refabricator
    238 = @slag-heater
    239 = @afflict
    240 = @shielded-wall
    241 = @lustre
    242 = @scathe
    243 = @smite
    244 = @underflow-duct
    245 = @malign
    246 = @shockwave-tower
    247 = @heat-source
    248 = @flux-reactor
    249 = @neoplasia-reactor
    250 = @heat-router
    251 = @large-payload-mass-driver
    252 = @reinforced-message
    253 = @world-message


    0 = @dagger
    1 = @mace
    2 = @fortress
    3 = @scepter
    4 = @reign
    5 = @nova
    6 = @pulsar
    7 = @quasar
    8 = @vela
    9 = @corvus
    10 = @crawler
    11 = @atrax
    12 = @spiroct
    13 = @arkyid
    14 = @toxopid
    15 = @flare
    16 = @horizon
    17 = @zenith
    18 = @antumbra
    19 = @eclipse
    20 = @mono
    21 = @poly
    22 = @mega
    23 = @quad
    24 = @oct
    25 = @risso
    26 = @minke
    27 = @bryde
    28 = @sei
    29 = @omura
    30 = @retusa
    31 = @oxynoe
    32 = @cyerce
    33 = @aegires
    34 = @navanax
    35 = @alpha
    36 = @beta
    37 = @gamma
    38 = @stell
    39 = @locus
    40 = @precept
    41 = @vanquish
    42 = @conquer
    43 = @merui
    44 = @cleroi
    45 = @anthicus
    46 = @tecta
    47 = @collaris
    48 = @elude
    49 = @avert
    50 = @obviate
    51 = @quell
    52 = @disrupt
    53 = @evoke
    54 = @incite
    55 = @emanate


    0 = @copper
    1 = @lead
    2 = @metaglass
    3 = @graphite
    4 = @sand
    5 = @coal
    6 = @titanium
    7 = @thorium
    8 = @scrap
    9 = @silicon
    10 = @plastanium
    11 = @phase-fabric
    12 = @surge-alloy
    13 = @spore-pod
    14 = @blast-compound
    15 = @pyratite
    16 = @beryllium
    17 = @fissile-matter
    18 = @dormant-cyst
    19 = @tungsten
    20 = @carbide
    21 = @oxide


    0 = @water
    1 = @slag
    2 = @oil
    3 = @cryofluid
    4 = @neoplasm
    5 = @hydrogen
    6 = @ozone
    7 = @cyanogen
    8 = @gallium
    9 = @nitrogen
    10 = @arkycite

    Disabled block Behaviour

      Most blocks will just stop working entirely, however not all, here are some blocks that behave differently when disabled
    • Sorter will turn into inverted sorter, which can be used as a item flow controller

    • Inverted sorter will turn into normal sorter, which can be used as a item flow controller

    • Overflow gate will turn into Underflow gate, which can be used as a item flow controller

    • Underflow gate will turn into Overflow gate, which can be used as a item flow controller

    • Router will stop items from passing through

    • Bridge will stop transfering items, but still accepts items

    • Battery will stop charging but still conduct electricity

    • Blocks with electricity will stop working but still conduct electricity

    • Battery Diode Will stop flowing electricity to the other net, can be used as a power line cutter

    • Turrets Will just stop (shooting, moving), will still accept ammo

    • Launch Pad if its in cooldown will stop cooldown from progressing, still accepts items
      if its not in cooldown will still launch if items are full

    • Processors will stop executing lines, when re-enabled will continue at the line it was disabled at
