#initial variables (change as needed)
set number 0 #number that will be drawn
set xloc 88 #number location on screen coordinates (right to left)
set yloc 88
set DistBtwn 0 #distance between numbers (0 = auto)
set sizex 15 #horizontal size (if possible input a number that can be divided by 3)
set sizey 20 #vertical size (if possible input a number that can be divided by 5)
#if not might leave some lines artifacts
set bgwidth 100 #background width, generally = [number length] * [sizex])
#initial calculation (do not change anything below here)
op sub bgx xloc bgwidth
op div size2 sizex 3
op mul size8 size2 2
op div size2y sizey 5
op mul size4y size2y 2
op mul size6y size2y 3
op mul size8y size2y 4
op add yb6 yloc size6y
op add yb2 yloc size2y
draw stroke size2
jump auto greaterThan DistBtwn 0
op add DistBtwn sizex size2
set xloc1 xloc
set val number
loop: #main loop
op mod wn val 10
op idiv val val 10
op sub xloc1 xloc1 DistBtwn
draw color 255 255 255
#draw number
op mul wn wn 7
op add @counter @counter wn
#digit 0
draw lineRect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
jump loop greaterThan val 0
draw color 0 0 0 255 #this is tied to draw rect after flush (background), if you dont use that you can remove this for a little bit more performance
jump flush always
#digit 1
op add xb1 xloc1 size8
draw rect xb1 yloc size2 sizey
jump loop greaterThan val 0
draw color 0 0 0 255 #this is tied to draw rect after flush (background), if you dont use that you can remove this for a little bit more performance
jump flush always
#digit 2
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
op add xb1 xloc1 size2
draw rect xloc1 yb6 size8 size2y
draw rect xb1 yb2 size8 size2y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 3
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
draw rect xloc1 yb6 size8 size2y
draw rect xloc1 yb2 size8 size2y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 4
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
op add xb1 xloc1 size2
draw rect xb1 yb6 size2 size4y
draw rect xloc1 yloc size8 size4y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 5
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
op add xb1 xloc1 size2
draw rect xb1 yb6 size8 size2y
draw rect xloc1 yb2 size8 size2y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 6
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
op add xb1 xloc1 size2
draw rect xb1 yb6 size8 size2y
draw rect xb1 yb2 size2 size2y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 7
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
draw rect xloc1 yloc size8 size8y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 8
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
op add xb1 xloc1 size2
draw rect xb1 yb6 size2 size2y
draw rect xb1 yb2 size2 size2y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
#digit 9
draw rect xloc1 yloc sizex sizey
draw color 0 0 0 255
op add xb1 xloc1 size2
draw rect xb1 yb6 size2 size2y
draw rect xloc1 yb2 size8 size2y
jump loop greaterThan val 0
jump flush always
drawflush display1
draw rect bgx yloc bgwidth sizey #background, alter as needed
op add number number 1 #add 1 to [number] (incremental demonstration), alter as needed
set val number
set xloc1 xloc
jump loop always